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Writer's pictureVisit Coochiemudlo /nc

Sharing an artful journey

Many times I’ve been asked why I paint, but that’s like asking a writer why he writes or a hairdresser why she styles people’s hair.

I don’t really know where that desire to begin practising art came from. No-one in my family painted seriously. There were a few dabblers here and there, and of course they mainly hid their ‘talent’ because they just wanted their work to be a hobby, who knows?

Occasionally I’ll read about someone who has always painted and as a child never left their paints and pencils alone, but all I can remember is trying to paint like other people, because I thought there was a ‘way’ of painting and they had it.

I didn’t. I was never original, but looking back now I know I was original (as everybody is) but too awkward and insecure to show it, needing validation.

For a long time I searched for teachers who would give me ‘the magic formula’ but all I felt was frustration because I could never ‘do it’ like they could and of course that is right, I could never emulate someone else because I am me and I have my own point of view and way of looking at the world, I just happen to use paints to illustrate that.

Art helps me to communicate something ‘inner’, something I ‘feel’ and ‘love’ about the subject. When I can’t find the words to describe what I’m looking at or imagining, my brilliant subconscious does it for me.

Art helps me to learn, expand, flow, to let go and to be who I really am and to share that with others, whether they are collectors, fellow artists or friends.

I have a degree in fine art and a master in art therapy; I have attended numerous workshops in the early days which have all helped me in the process of finding myself in the morass called ‘the art world’, which I love.

But I remember looking at some artworks at an exhibition many years ago. The style was free and wild and I thought: ‘Here I am, I’ve been painting for such a long time, too shy to exhibit, but look, these people couldn’t give a bugger, they’re just doing it.’

So from that day I started to believe in myself and started sharing my world through art with others. What a journey! I hope anyone reading this is totally loving their journey too whatever that may be!

My favourite subject is the beautiful place where I live - Coochiemudlo Island - which is a source of constant inspiration.

The colours are wondrous and change constantly throughout the seasons. There is never a day that goes by without me visioning a potential painting from my surroundings. It’s a beautiful ‘feeling’ place and I trust that that is conveyed in my work.

My work can be viewed via online galleries Bluethumb and Etsy, and you can contact me via Facebook, Instagram, and my blog.

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